
Let's Not Forget The Threat

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bijoy Ghosh The menace is real. R.K.Raghavan There was mild excitement among cyberspace watchers on November 11 over a predicted ‘cyber jihad”. Nothing of the kind happened. All was quiet, possibly much to the disappointment of those who receive a kick out of chaos and disarray wherever it may occur, in the real or virtual world. According to some experts there is no room, however, for complacence, given what happened in Estonia earlier this year when life all but came to a standstill following cyber attacks from alleged Soviet-controlled computers. Generally speaking, what was feared on November 11 was a Denial-of-Service (DOS) attack from Jihadists whose computer prowess, incidentally, can hardly be exaggerated. Even anti-virus software giant Symantec has chosen not to ignore the prediction of a disaster. But it believes the tool in the terrorist armoury, christened E-Jihad 3.0, is too crude and unsophisticated for causing any major damage. Here a mischief-monger will first have to manually install the tool on to a computer and later use it to log on to a jihadist Web site that would subsequently release attack commands. Symantec has gone as far as constructing a Hacktool.Dijah to detect E-Jihad 3.0 ! All this is amusing if not exactly absurd!

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