
Where is Usama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman Zawahiri

Could it be possible that Usama bin Laden is in Kashmir and Dr. Ayman Zawahiri is in a market place in Pakistan buying lemons. It certainly makes since for them to avoid any communication tracing by going into public places to communicate.. Then we have to wonder, where is Adam Gadahn. Could he be grooming himself for a trip to a western country, or is he already there? Someone has to be able to see beyond what we here and see in reports from people on the ground as well as Intelligence Agencies. Yes, al Qaeda does have it's own Intelligence Agencies and continue to remain one or two steps ahead. We must realize that the tactics used in Iraq or obsolete now, they have mastered those, their plans have changed and implementation is nearing. Wake up USA, you need more help than you realize...

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